When it comes to the Animal Kingdom, I have literally never eaten in any of the restaurants with the exception of Rainforest Cafe and that's only because I worked there. I tend to eat at the same establishments over and over and never spend enough time at this park to even have a meal. As a result of this I have discovered that there are many parts of the park that I've walked past and never explored. Flame Tree Barbecue might be the most dramatic example of this.
Like all of Safari Village, Flame Tree is covered in the decorative animal motifs. The dining area for the restaurant is all outdoors and this is the area that really shocked me (and that is not shown in this post, wait until tomorrow). Below are some of the wonderful details from the counter service building.
Tomorrow we explore the fantastic Flame Tree gardens.
The food at Tusker House was amazing when Ranney and I ate there with the Dingus family a few years ago. I recommend it.